Friday 23 October 2009

Well, what have we done this week? I've sarted 'thinking' about my essay that I have to write for my OU course and learnt lots about Anglo-Saxons as I got a free lapbook to review and I wanted to check it all out properly before I ues it on my children....
The kids on the other hand - went to a birthday party, went to French club, out for tea and Brownies, went to our local HE creative writing group and swimming, more swimming and brass band, went out the cinema, art group and choir. Today at last is a full day at home. Lovely! ;0)
Highlight of the week -the girl joined the local brass band (learner band) this week and was given a cornet to play. She loves it and can play Hot Cross Buns by heart already. I hope the enthusiasm lasts and she just practices without prompting every day. It's such a cheap way for her to learn an instrument and looks like it'll be fun. The bandleader is very relaxed with the children who all seem to have fun and be learning happily. It's so funny though to see some very small children with brass instruments that are almost as big as them! The girl was relieved to see quite a few faces that she already knew :0)
Other than that, we've made bread for our BYFIAR activity. We made it by hand - no machine!!!!- and we're puuting the results of brown vs white into a venn diagram. We've only done white so far, not making brown till the white's all gone ;0) They we're amazed by how frothy the yeast mixture got.
We listened to part of a tape of 'The Instruments of the Orchestra' with Yehudi Menuhin. A charity shop find. That was much enjoyed with lots of dancing ;0) Then she matched the instruments to their sections in a file folder game from Teacher Book Bags. I think I'll just print these things out as a cut and paste activity in future cos she can do it straight away. Mind you, the boy hasn't had a go yet....
We went to see Ice Age 3 as part of National Schools Film Week. I love free stuff! :0)
They've also done the usual MEP, Mega English, Science (looking at rubbish this week), French, other maths activities and whatever came up in conversation stuff.
We did finally manage to get to go for a walk in the woods to try out some of the ideas from the Nature Detectives Autumn book.

Elf houses:-

Autumn scents potion how happy was my boy !!!! :0D


  1. You sound so busy! I didn't know you were taking a class. Sounds like a good, full week. :) I love the potion and the elf house. :D

    Take care,
    Ami :)

  2. We love being busy ;0) Yes, I'm doing Children's Literature with the Open University which will be the end of my degree. It's been a long time coming :0) So glad you keep reading :0)
