
Wednesday 31 August 2016

Changes Afoot

Well, it's feeling like Autumn here as the pavements are starting to grow a layer of leaves. I always find Autumn inspires me to start new projects and dust down the old way of doing things. My two youngest children seem to have inherited this feeling.

We spent Monday afternoon devising new schedules. Each person organised their own days in the way that suits them best. I've recently come across bullet journaling, and even though I know I will NEVER be so organised, I have found it helpful to use some of the ideas from it.

We took a trip to IKEA and bought 3 magnetic notice boards, one for each of us. Each board came with 4 hooks and 3 magnets. We've used some of the hooks to hang the boards one below the other. The rest are hanging from the bottom board.

Having an "it'll-come-in-useful-one-day" nature, combined with a "I-hate-throwing-things-away" streak, means that I have had a big jar of bottle tops and a roll of magnetic sticky tape. Perfect for making personalised magnets. A couple of episodes of Star Trek later, we had a couple of handsewn drawstring bags to hold any unused magnets. These hang neatly from the hooks at the bottom of the bottom board ;)

So why have we found the need to try to become so super organised? Well, The Girl is entering her last year of Home Ed *sniff* and will be taking a few exams this year along with some more music grades. She has just enrolled at a not-so-local college to take GCSE English and will inevitably have homework. With one GCSE under her belt (she passed her maths :) Hooray!!!) she has realised that time management will be quite important if she wants to study for two more at home.

Boykin is 'attending' Hogwarts this year and so he has made a simple timetable that will cover all his morning studies. I love how he's managed to put maths under Magical Theory and Physics under flying ;)

And me, well, I have to be on hand for any studying that The Girl will be doing at home whilst also pretending to be Professor McGonegal with Boykin. On my board, I've also included housework, prayer time and all my work tasks - from the latest lapbook to maths & geography tutoring to blogging and updating FB groups ... and everything else in between. I'm not quite sure where my organising local HE stuff fits in really - it's not quite work cos I don't get paid for it, but it sometimes feels like it.... in a good way, of course :)