
Saturday 13 February 2016

Exams, here we come.

I've just entered The Girl for her first GCSE exam to be taken this summer.

We are very fortunate in our area that the LA have given us access to the exam facilities at the local PRU. This makes the whole exam process a little less complicated but it's still expensive. Luckily, she only needs 5 to go to the local colleges. She has chosen her subjects and we have decided which sittings she will go for, so that we can spread the cost and reduce the pressure.

I'm thankful that there won't be tons of pressure on her for the last months of her Home Education, I'm hoping we can have a few days out and do some fun activities much like when they were younger.

 I know there's over a year to go, but the end seems to loom quite large at times. It's great to see her getting stuck in to new challenges and developing her organisational skills. I feel she'll be well-prepared for studying in the future and I feel so blessed that I've been able to be with her along the journey :)

Exams are not the be all and end all for home educators, luckily, and Boykin may choose a different route post 16. Although, I would prefer him to take at least maths and English GCSE/IGCSEs.

If you are a home educator reading this post, please share your experiences of finding exam centres. Do other LAs provide centres? Has it been hard to find a suitable centre for the subjects your child has wanted to take? Have you bothered with exams at all? Does your local college provide courses for 14 - 16 HE students?